Welcome to the January 2018 edition of Introduction to Photography. Each week class notes and miscellaneous links will be posted here for your personal use. Click on each week's title and you will be directed to my dropbox where you can view or download that week's class notes as PDFs. If you have any questions or problems please contact me at john@johncrouchphotography.com right away. Have fun!
Assignments are due by Tuesday evening each week. Please send full resolution JPG images to kia.photo.assignment@gmail.com .
Week 1 - Aperture & Fill the Frame
Bonus links: Depth of Field - a closer look from B&H
Week 2 - Shutter Speed & Rule of Thirds
Week 3 - ISO & The Rule of Thirds
Week 5 - Principles of Design, and Color
Bonus links
Week 6 - Editing
Bonus links
Week 7 - Portraiture
Week 8 - Light!
Week 9 - Landscape
Week 10 - Advanced Composition
Week 11 - Dawoud Bey Lecture - no notes
Week 12 - Open discussion - no notes
Bonus link: How to shoot just about anything